September 17, 2024

Homestead Hearth

When moving stuff to a new box.


  • port forwards
  • gpg and ssh
  • merecat
  • cgit
  • env


Packaged for Debian. Uses Let’s Encrypt for certificates.

Once you have restored /etc/letsencrypt from the old hearth, check with sudo certbot renew --dry-run. The certificate is for *

Merecat serves {blog,git}

## /etc/merecat.conf                                     -*-conf-unix-*-

username = www-data
## Chrooting is a security measure which means isolating the webserver's
## access to files only available from a the given directory.  To access
## files outside the chroot the administrator can either copy or bind
## mount files and directories into the chroot.
chroot = false

## Alt. charset=iso-8859-1
charset = UTF-8

## Webserver document root, or chroot
directory = /var/www

## Virtual hosting
## /var/www/cgi-bin/          <-- Shared CGI
## /var/www/   <--
virtual-host = true

## /var/www/   <--
# Enabled for cgit
cgi "/cgi-bin/*|**.cgi" {
    enabled = true

## Server specific settings, overrides certain global settings
## Notice the HTTP redirect from the default server to HTTPS.
server default {
   port = 80
   # Lets not do this. I will serve non-https sites too.
   # redirect "/" {
   #     code = 301
   #     location = "https://$host$request_uri$args"
   # }

server secure {
   port = 443
   ssl {
       certfile = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
       keyfile = /etc/letsencrypt/live/
       dhfile = certs/dhparam.pem


Packaged for Debian. Uses CGI to talk to Merecat. Assuming that /var/www/ is the Merecat vhosts directory, make links to the cgit assets

ln -s /usr/share/cgit /var/www/
ln -s /usr/lib/cgit/cgit.cgi /var/www/
ln -s /usr/lib/cgit/filters /var/www/


They live on the Sabrent array at /data/repos.

Powered by Hugo & Kiss.