Modern terminals
terminal emulators have removal of cruft as a goal. Having used
the oldest of the modern terminal emulators, rxvt-unicode
for almost
10 years, the pain points were:
- implementing functions based on selections (send to pastebin, google) is idiosyncratic
- the font handling niggles (antialias support, configuration)
- configuration across Xdefaults, i3, alternatives
The last point is unavoidable but to address the first two, I decided to use st combined with mtm for multiplexing.
- Dead simple, all code <5kloc
- uses fontconfig
- packaged for debian as
- Active development
- Unicode box alignment issues
- Some interaction with mtm for scrollback
mtm can be found at I did not package it for Debian as I kept the install local to my user for testing.
make terminfo-install
is required to install the terminfo entries
into ~/.terminfo
exec stterm \
-a \
-f "Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline:style=Regular:pixelsize=14:antialias=true" \
-T $(hostname) \
-e mtm -t mtm-256color -c x
# -f "Go Mono:style=Regular:pixelsize=9:antialias=true" \
# -a
This is installed as ~/bin/
. i3/sway uses this script to lauch
Test with,
Setting up the terminals led me to finally moving to Wayland on the
venerable weyl
. However, sway is not in Debian yet. At the time of
writing 1.1.1-1 was in experimental
but 1.2 has been out for a
month. I would have to setup a pipeline.
First, you need wlroots:
cd ~/src/debian
git clone
curl -L -o wlroots_0.7.0.orig.tar.gz
cd wlroots
debuild -uc -us
cd ..
sudo dpkg -i libwlroots3_0.7.0-1_amd64.deb libwlroots-dev_0.7.0-1_amd64.deb
Then you can get sway
cd ~/src/debian
git clone
curl -L -o sway_1.2.orig.tar.gz
cd sway
debuild -uc -us
Marvel at the compile blazing along (ccache ftw) but seriosuly the text just flies. CPU usage is fine. Now, we hit the first hiccup:
../sway/ipc-json.c:92:9: error: macro "__DATE__" might prevent reproducible builds [-Werror=date-time]
92 | sscanf(SWAY_VERSION, "%u.%u.%u", &major, &minor, &patch);
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~
Some hacking later, we produce the hack that lets us proceed.
cat debian/patches/0003-Make-reproducible.patch
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ if git.found()
git_commit_hash = run_command([git.path(), 'describe', '--always', '--tags'])
git_branch = run_command([git.path(), 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'])
if git_commit_hash.returncode() == 0 and git_branch.returncode() == 0
- version = '"@0@ (" __DATE__ ", branch \'@1@\')"'.format(git_commit_hash.stdout().strip(), git_branch.stdout().strip())
+ version = '"@0@ (branch \'@1@\')"'.format(git_commit_hash.stdout().strip(), git_branch.stdout().strip())
add_project_arguments('-DSWAY_VERSION=@0@'.format(version), language: 'c')
This is committed to the reproducible
branch. Packages are built and
cd ~/dotfiles
cp -r i3 sway
cd sway/.config
mv i3 sway
Some light config file editing based on the example config file in
. Sway does not use /etc/default/keyboard
so it
is necessary to add a section to config
input "1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard" {
xkb_model pc105
xkb_layout us
xkb_variant ,nodeadkeys
xkb_options ctrl:nocaps,compose:menu
It is also necessary to install xwayland else nothing is
displayed. Also remember to chmod u+s /usr/bin/sway
QT5 supports Wayland.
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
Alternatively, add -platform wayland
to the command line invocation.
There does not seem to be any easy way of configuring xmodmap. This is needed to move the PageUp/Down keys.
stterm runs within xwayland and nice fonts look like crap. kitty, from the repo isn’t much better. This appears to be a sway bug.
Only applets supporting StatusNotifierItem are shown in swaybar. This lets out wicd and even nm.
Emacs gets some ugly, unstyled scrollbars.
Going back to i3.